Scrum Guide

The Scrum Guide by Ken Schwaber on ScrumAlliance is a condense (14 pages) and recent (May 2009) pocket guide on the major principles and guidelines of Scrum. It’s also gives very practical advice and tips on concrete issues when implementing Scrum.

Just thought I’d share … Yesterday, I came across a nice piece of reading material for everyone interested in Scrum as agile methodology. The Scrum Guide by Ken Schwaber on ScrumAlliance is a condense (14 pages) and recent (May 2009) pocket guide on the major principles and guidelines of Scrum. It’s also gives very practical advice and tips on concrete issues when implementing Scrum.

I think this is an excellent reference manual for anyone interested in a good overview on Scrum. Even a document  to keep at hand when working with Scrum on a project.

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